Get Involved: Books for Prisoners

As a former prison Chaplain and pastor, I personally, know the value of inspirational books in prisons and jails. Many people, some who would never attend a religious service, have come to a life-changing experience after or while reading the Bible or an inspirational book or both. We have a special opportunity this year to get our book into prisons in 6 states this year through Forgiven Ministry in Taylorsville, NC.  Click here to learn more.

Old Craggy Prison, circa 1985

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Get Involved:
Books for Prisoners

As a former prison Chaplain and pastor, I personally, know the value of inspirational books in prisons and jails. Many people, some who would never attend a religious service, have come to a life-changing experience after or while reading the Bible or an inspirational book or both. We have a special opportunity this year to get our book into prisons in 6 states this year through Forgiven Ministry in Taylorsville, NC.

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Contact George to speak to your group or gathering.

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Feel free to send George feedback about how his book has touched your life or that of someone you know.